Range Rules 2024

The purpose of the range safety rules is obvious, we MUST be certain that we have done all that is possible to ensure the safety of our members, guests, employees, and our property. If any rule appears unclear, or if you are not certain of the safety of something you wish to do, please contact the Range Safety Officer at (217) 900-0477.

At EDK, we use a common set of terms to define the range safety condition of our shooting ranges at any point in time.

These terms are "HOT" and "COLD".

A HOT range condition is defined as the time during which it is safe to shoot and all persons occupying that range are safely behind the firing line or not ahead of the line of fire.

A COLD range condition is defined as the time during which it is unsafe to shoot. This means that a range safety officer or other person has asked for a ""cold range". At such time the range safety officer and all shooters on that range MUST be certain that all shooters heard and understood the command. It also means that once the attention of all shooters has been verified, all shooting MUST be stopped. Once shooting is stopped, all shooters must make their weapons empty and safe. Only after these conditions are met will the range safety officer indicate a "cold range" has been obtained. It is also a very good practice that during cold range conditions, no handling of any weapon take place while any person is downrange from the firing line.

A HOT range condition is defined as the time during which it is safe to resume shooting. A range can only be designated as "HOT" after the range safety officer AND ALL SHOOTERS have made certain that all persons occupying the range are safely behind the firing line AND that all those persons also are wearing hearing and eye protection prior to any shooter discharging a firearm.

It is a good practice during the change from "HOT" to "COLD" or vice versa for all shooters to use a "thumbs up" response to indicate they have heard the command and have complied with the requirements to make the range safe under each condition.